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Aristro Capital Markets Ltd.(ACML) is a SEBI registered stock broker aspiring to provide comprehensive services to its clients. ACML has started operation in NSE-CM& FO Segment & BSE-CM Segment in the month of March 2011.
The company is vying to enable its client to plan/manage their complete financial portfolio. Therefore the company has applied to become a depository participant. Further company is planning to start investment banking/ merchant banking and distribution of mutual fund and allied areas.
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Hot Stocks  
CompanyLTP(Rs.)ChgChg %
Albert David1400.350.200.01
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International Indices
Indices Price Chg %Chg
   Bovespa 130362.00 -137.26 -0.11
   Dow Jones 42931.60 -344.31 -0.8
   Hang Seng 20478.46 -325.65 -1.57
   Nasdaq 18540.01 50.46 0.27
   Nikkei 225 38954.60 -27.15 -0.07
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Member: NSE CAPITAL MARKET: INB231498438 | NSE FUTURE & OPTION: INF231498438 | BSE CAPITAL MARKET: INB011498434 | BSE FUTURE MARKET: INF011498434 | DP REGN No.:IN-DP-CDSL-704-2013 | Single SEBI Registration nos.: NSE & BSE: INZ000219238 | DP CDSL: IN-DP-407-2019
Attention Investor: Update your mobile number and email id with your stock broker.
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Precautions for clients dealing in Options

Dear Customer,

Greeting from Aristro Capital Markets Limited

Please avoid fraudulent communication in any form or manner, which originates from any of the channels not belonging to Aristro Capital Markets Limited (ACML).

As per NSE circulars Ref. No: NSE/INSP/52900 dated 06 July 2022, Clients/Investors are advised to avoid practice like,

  • Sharing of trading credentials – login id & password including OTP’s.
  • Trading in leveraged products like options without proper understanding, which could lead to losses.
  • Writing / Selling options or trading in option strategies based on tips, without basic knowledge & understanding of the product and its risks.
  • Dealing in unsolicited tips trough Whatsapp, Telegram, YouTube, Facebook, SMS, Calls etc.
  • Trading in “Options” based on recommendations from unauthorized / unregistered investment advisors and influencers.

Relying on fraudulent communication not belonging to ACML, shall be at your own risk and ACML shall not be liable for the same.