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BSE Announcements
Aarti Pharmalabs
Inter alia, based on the recommendation of the Nomination and Remun .......
Adline Chem Lab
Inter-alia has approved for: 1) Reclassification as per request let .......
Ashnisha Industries
Inter alia, Appointed Mrs. Deepti Ghanshyam Gavali (DIN: 10272798), .......
Brightcom Group
Clarification to notification from BSE, Notice No. 20241213-3, dated 1 .......
Deccan Bearings
Swaraj Shares and Securities Private Limited ("Manager to the Offer") .......
Dsj Keep Learning
Inter-alia, considered and approved: 1. Appointment of Mr. Prashant .......
Empower India
Inter alia considered and approved the following matters: 1. Regula .......
Ester Inds
500136 Ester Industries Ltd. 11/12/2024 .......
Greaves Cotton
Please find attached herewith our reply dated 12th December, 2024, in .......
Hiliks Technologies
Inter alia, considered and approved the following: 1. Resignation o .......
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