Aristro Capital Markets Ltd.
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Rising VD & Falling Price
Traded Qty Del.Volume Price (Rs.)
Traded Qty Del.Volume Price (Rs.)
Traded Qty Del.Volume Price (Rs.)
Fall in price
Margo Finance
120 120 52.81
126 126 51.22
700 700 50.70
Nath Industries
1105 1074 70.95
2561 1617 70.30
11055 9184 70.05
Amines & Plastic
1073 843 307.40
1150 977 304.55
1544 1296 300.10
Guj. Intrux
1236 1236 528.00
1609 1609 519.80
2076 2076 514.55
Aadi Industries
3619 2753 5.82
8909 8909 5.78
12156 10835 5.61
KJMC Financial Serv
2423 1821 105.05
2427 1843 104.96
12071 10742 99.70
Valson Industries
5824 5824 45.26
7725 7725 43.00
21504 21504 40.85
Voltamp Transformers
1454 687 13293.90
1671 725 13186.50
1896 1145 12960.55
9759 4816 1969.90
11335 5280 1941.35
22909 7136 1864.15
Vasudhagama Enterprs
41929 41929 17.67
47698 47698 16.79
54814 54814 15.96
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