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Rising VD & Falling Price
Traded Qty Del.Volume Price (Rs.)
Traded Qty Del.Volume Price (Rs.)
Traded Qty Del.Volume Price (Rs.)
Fall in price
Blue Chip Tex Inds.
408 206 162.10
510 492 160.90
655 529 160.45
Sanathnagar Enterpri
122 122 72.16
301 301 70.72
758 758 69.31
Sharad Fibres
14407 9570 36.69
45893 41381 34.88
79358 63981 34.35
Transglobe Foods
143 143 166.25
162 162 165.10
251 251 157.30
Balurghat Tech
2830 2830 26.40
3161 3161 25.92
5263 5263 25.41
Future Enterprises
80178 80178 0.81
80480 80480 0.80
148962 148962 0.79
Vivanza Biosciences
83522 83522 4.91
106522 106522 4.88
238498 238498 4.85
J Taparia Projects
3968 3968 30.10
4092 4092 29.50
7698 7698 28.91
Sar Auto Products
51 51 1972.00
60 59 1910.25
77 64 1880.60
Universus Photo Imag
157 152 369.90
298 233 367.80
813 594 364.90
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