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Rising VD & Falling Price
Traded Qty Del.Volume Price (Rs.)
Traded Qty Del.Volume Price (Rs.)
Traded Qty Del.Volume Price (Rs.)
Fall in price
Andhra Petrochem
32207 24703 68.31
51177 36756 67.26
72204 44882 67.02
Delta Manufacturing
329 300 95.00
1143 1093 94.04
4470 4433 92.86
Veljan Denison
473 470 1127.50
567 526 1124.25
2649 2352 1021.75
Ugar Sugar Works
26205 11275 50.67
39950 24711 49.79
50555 35960 49.23
Milestone Global
2933 2374 23.60
5266 5045 22.42
21598 21598 21.30
Sanjivani Paranteral
2849 2342 332.85
6691 4995 321.00
9147 6081 310.15
Lexoraa Industries
215 215 17.65
1103 1053 17.47
6245 6245 16.22
Fineotex Chemical
22279 10867 316.40
37110 20513 304.25
76514 42741 286.80
Julien Agro Infra
287045 198315 11.10
311801 225472 10.76
506749 273839 10.66
NAM Securities
64 64 115.55
127 127 110.00
342 342 106.45
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